Whatever your food and drink choices are, make sure they serve you well
Eat Fresh
Where possible eat locally sourced produce, as seasonally fresh as possible. Your body and mind will be greatly rewarded.
Eat Only When Hungry
Listen to your body and only eat when hungry. Try to notice the difference between emotional eating and eating when hungry.
Chew your food
This may seem very basic, but the mindset here is to drink your food and chew your drink. We’ll let you work that one out for yourself.
Choose food from nature’s table
You will be rewarded with energy and feelings of well-being.
What you eat becomes you
The food you put into your body develops the cells that allow you to function. But, it’s not just about what you eat but how you metabolise that really counts. This includes numerous factors for consideration. The food choices you make can be as easy as asking yourself these questions: is this food something that nature provided or was it manufactured? How will this food impact my mood and energy levels?
How you prepare your food has great impact on your digestion
Digestion begins with preparation and mindfulness of what is being eaten. When food is eaten, prepared and digested in a safe and loving environment then the digestion process is optimal.
GOOD MOOD FOOD Downloads for your business
Below we have a selection of images that you can share with your network or show in your business premises to spread the word of health
GOOD MOOD FOOD Free online publication
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