Community Aims


‘Building healthy relationships and connections with our clients and partners across the Borough’.

Our Overarching Objective is to offer a creative holistic approach to art, health, and wellbeing whilst promoting a positive mental outlook for the residents of Doncaster and the surrounding area.


Promoting a holistic approach to community health and wellbeing


Encouraging a more holistic approach to community values


Promoting community development and cohesion


Enhancing local authorities with well-being service provision


Encouraging community professionals to engage in collaborative services


Supporting therapists to do what they do best

Developing relationships, with local authorities and other health providers, is fundamental to a thriving and professional sector. It requires a network of professional practitioners that adhere to the necessary requirements. Mac group offers the governance and support to host such a forum.

Our Client Community Care Model

Supporting members of our community to be the very best version of themselves

Ready to Make a Change?

If you want to learn more about how the MAC Group can support your life journey request a self-referral form here

Want to become a member?

If you want to learn more about our work or how you can become a Mac Group therapist simply get in touch.